
18例えば椅子の座り心地や肌触りなど、数値に置き換えることが難しい身体に最も近い触感覚をはじめとして、五感すべてを使ってデザインをします。またインテリア空間は、外部環境から守られているため、扱う素材の選択肢が広いのが特徴です。 「人とコト、人とモノ」、インテリアデザインは絶えず人との関係性を軸に、人や社会、自然といった客観的な視点を加味したコミュニケーションデザインといえます。サイン・ディスプレイにおけるグラフィックデザインも重要な要素となっています。We design interior items using all fi ve senses, not least of all the sense of touch – the sense closest to the body. For example, through a sense of touch we can under-stand a chair’s snugness or texture, which is something that defi es quantifi cation. One other feature of interior design is that since interior items are protected from the external environment, a wide selection of materials are available for use. Inte-rior design is unceasingly focused on the relationship between humans and physi-cal entities and the relationship between humans and non-physical phenomena, and as such it can be considered communication-design that is supplemented with the objective perspectives of humans, society, and nature. Graphic design, as used in the design of signs and displays, is another critical element.インテリアデザインとは何?What is Interior design ?

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