
1.NassimParkResidences_2011_bird view 2.NassimParkResidences_2011_waterfall 日本造園設計 副室長・主任デザイナー・一級建築士成川 恵一 Keiichi Narikawa現在の仕事について「禅」と「日本庭園」を基軸とした庭園設計・ランドスケープデザインを行っています。仕事は国内外を問わず、日本の伝統・精神を大切にした空間設計と現場監理。建築や周りの環境に合った庭園空間を提案するもので、現代的なランドスケープ空間を作る事もあります。インテリア・エクステリアという仕切りは無く、建築も考慮した一体空間として計画を進めていきます。環境デザイン学科を受験しようとしている受験生のみなさんへ環境デザイン学科は、空間デザインに対して幅広く情報を得る事ができ、その中で本当に自分のやりたい事を模索しながら制作、または就職ができる学科だと思います。また、二年次以降でコース分けされた後でも、課題によってコース外の課題を選択できるなど、比較的に自由度が高い事も魅力の一つであると思います。受験に向けては、自分を信じること、最後までやり切る事、焦らず一握りの余裕を持つことが大切です。What work are you currently doing?I work in landscape design with a focus on Zen and Japanese gardens. I conduct space design and site supervision, with a focus on Japan’s traditional culture and ethos. The work I’m involved in is both inside and outside Japan. I propose garden space designs that suit the architecture and the surrounding environment, and I am sometimes involved in creating modern landscapes too. I will continue to advance plans for integrated spaces that have no boundary between the interior and exte-rior and also give consideration to architecture. What would you say to those who are considering taking the entrance exam for Department of Environmental Design?In Department of Environmental Design, you will gain knowledge that covers a wide spectrum of space design. You will then be able to fi nd out the areas that particu-larly interest you and design works accordingly. The course will also enable you to fi nd work in these areas. Another appealing feature is the relatively high degree of freedom you are given. From the second year onwards, students break off into respective courses, which means you can select subjects form outside the course. When you come to take the entrance examination, keep believing in yourself and be prepared to see things through until the end. Also, don’t forget to leave yourself a little space so you don’t panic.12

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